Information and Resources
Eating disorders can affect anyone
This Eating Disorders Awareness Week you can help us raise awareness of eating disorders and increase understanding that anyone can be affected whether they are supporting a loved one with an eating disorder, or have one themselves.
Like and share our videos or download our resources to help spread the word that anyone can be affected.
Remember - this web page can be translated into Welsh as well as other languages using the ‘Translation and Accessibility’ button at the top of this page.
Cofiwch - mae modd cyfieithu'r dudalen we hon i Saesneg yn ogystal ag ieithoedd eraill drwy ddefnyddio'r botwm 'Cyfieithu a Hygyrchedd' ar frig y dudalen hon.
Eating disorders can affect anyone
Gall anhwylderau bwyta effeithio ar unrhyw un.
Shareable Resources
We will add resources to this page as they become available.
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Eating Disorders Awareness Week roundel
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Welsh email headers
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Welsh roundel
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Newly released social media assets
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Newly released Welsh social media assets
Social media assets
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X (Formerly Twitter)
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Welsh language social media assets
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